
Live Pandemic Prevention Knowledge POpularization Themed "Prevent Pandemic, Secure Operation, Enjoy Safe and Happy Festevial" in TSNP

Create Date:2021-02-05  【 big normal small 】

Nowadays, COVID-19 pandemic remains severe, and the risk of clustering pandemic in some areas of China is still present. To improve the pandemic prevention and control awareness of all employees, enrich the lives of those who stay at site, and create an atmosphere of joy before Spring Festival, the labor union of TNPJVC organized a live pandemic prevention knowledge popularization themed “Prevent pandemic, secure operation, enjoy safe and happy festival” at site on Feb. 4th.

The live network broadcast had two parts, Q&A about pandemic prevention knowledge and performance by a band from TNPJVC. Q&A part had 15 questions with 5 rounds. It consolidates the pandemic prevention and control awareness of all employees and strengthens the popularization of the latest relevant requirements at the current stage. D-PARK, a band from TNPJVC, performed inspirational songs written for people involved in preventing and controlling the pandemic in 2020, such as To those who rise to challenge, Same as you and Dream chaser. The audience and fans liked the performance.

In this live network broadcast, a total of over 500 people participated with more than 10,000 likes. It enriches the lives of employees and contributes to the pandemic prevention of TNPJVC.