【Good Neighbors】A Visit to Neighbors in the Advent of Spring

Create Date:2017-01-19  【 big normal small 】

Spring is approaching with stronger and stronger atmosphere of Spring Festival. As part of “Good Neighbors” activities, TNPJVC sent greetings with necessities distributed to the poverty-stricken and vulnerable people of the local communities once again.

During visit to Caochong village, Huang Weiwen, the cadre dispatched to the town, highly appreciated TNPJVC for the long term heart-warming activities aiming at the senior and poverty-stricken people in local communities. “We feel honored and grateful that Chixi, Caochong village in particular, became home to a significant nuclear power project. We are happy to be neighbors of TNPJVC. We help each other and work together in the hope of early power generation of TNPJVC, which further drives the local economic development.” Mr. Yang, a 76-year-old man enjoying five guarantees, said excitedly, “Thank you, Communist Party of China! Thank you, TNPJVC! ”

The activity this time was integrated with the policy of “taking targeted measures to help people lift themselves out of poverty” in cooperation with Chixi government. TNPJVC sent greetings to a total of 345 poverty-stricken and vulnerable people from Tonggu, Pangbo, Beimen, Dutou and Caochong villages.